Aligning Intent with Impact.


Michelle Ndely is an executive consultant, coach, and anti-racist educator.

Michelle has 20 years of experience learning, living, and collaboratively leading within Black and Latinx communities through urban education, community support, and activism. She brings a nuanced diversity, equity and inclusion lens grounded in intercultural communication to families, leaders, and companies across industries looking to align their visions for who they want to be and how they want to operate in a diverse world.

Meeting individuals and organizations where they are.

We equip business leaders, community leaders, and individuals, with the tools they need to align their intent and their impact over time.

Our services range from individualized coaching and project support, to comprehensive long-term organizational support, and incremental leadership services.

We believe that workshop models alone have diminishing value over time. Rather, it is worth investing in re-thinking structural solutions and increasing the awareness and nuance of the individual people in the organization or community.

Former clients include organizations both large and small




“Michelle has an incredible ability to both hold space for white-identified persons and support the development of racial awareness through deep introspection and accountability. Her superpower is her ability to connect with her clients in a profound way that leaves them changed. She grounds her work in historical, contemporary and values-based contexts that provide a nuanced understanding of racial awareness. The work of building race consciousness in white-identified people is a must for our collective progress and healing. Michelle's clarity on this purpose is what drives her passion for her work and the people she works with.”

— Dorcas Davis, Founder of the March for Racial Justice


“I’ve seen Michelle masterfully leverage culturally relevant practices in the classroom, in ways that gave students agency, inspired them to explore, and empowered them. So often it is difficult to engage across lines of difference, particularly race. As a result of years of hard introspection, reflection, and honest conversations, Michelle has learned to consistently connect across race in a way that is authentic, heartfelt, and not performative. She is genuine, and makes space for people to center themselves.”

— Colleen Hinds-Rodgers, Founder CEO of Equity Consulting Group, National Director of STEM for TFA

Ready to get to work?

Contact us to share more about your specific needs and goals.